Wednesday, July 16, 2008

**** This Essay and Blog Post not finished being composed or edited***

Started July 11, 2008
Last Updated: July 16, 2008.

Questioning hate and Decimation, A Essay on Transphobia, from San Francisco to beyond, an Insight into people’s fears of the unknown and the documention of Typical Waste of Tax Payer money in California, and San Francisco and beyond.

By Leigh McInnis Gaetjens

San Francisco is a wonderful place, equity the forefronts of the GLBT movement and the pioneering city and metro plex of the GLBT equity movement, Americas most European city.

Trans_Phobia is the result of Segregation, and degradation and Discretion of the Transgender community; peoples negative stenotypes, a few people who have no business as describing themselves as TG, and have serious mental health issues and have zero business transitioning.

We as Transgender women and men, need equal treatment not special treatment, but equal treatment, I hate when I am mistreated weather verbally, physically or emotional or mentally.
The Law applies to everyone; I just want the right to live.

Ill shares some of my life experances at 6 months in San Francisco.
1.) In January 2008 was mugged with a knife in the film ore district, and told I can be mugged or assaulted and abused my San Francisco Police when I called for service, I was handcuffed and searched, and told they had 4 units looking for the suspect. I was integrated about drug use, protection, and warrants. (which I had none)
2.) April 2008I was mugged on the MUNI Metro and told I was problem prostituting myself on the train, and no report and the law was not enforced again
3.) May 2008 I have been lynched in a communal shower by other women with Hateful GLBT slurs, had a photo taken of me with a camria phone
4.) May 2008 - I have been verbally abused and harassed by other women when sleeping
5.) June 2008- I have had a 22-caliber handgun pulled on me, out of hate and intimidation.
6.) June 2008- I was punched in the face (In clear view of a police officer) On The MUNI / Bart Station for no apparent reason and called slurs and laughed at when I was ok.
7.) I have had a Transit cop refer to me using trans-phobic and hate speech when requesting proof of payment, refuse to take a report for the mentioned
8.) I was groped while wating for food, and laughed at
9.) I’ve been told to “get some bass in my voice and be a man” by a authority figure
10.) I’ve been told by Law Enforcement “ I can’t be raped or sexually harassed, I choose this and do this to myself, be a Man”
11.) Emergency room, upon discovering the female patient who collapsed was transgender due to stress and dehydration was treated poorly, and after signing a waiver of treatment and liability due to poor treatment, was cleaning up in bathroom, was escorted by armed security guards for trespassing in the bathroom. (I was washing the vomit off myself)
12.) I was told by an EMT, to go back where I came from, You’re not local are you the accent is from the south
13.) I was told to go back to my country (given my un-common last name) or whatever planet I came from by Law Enforcement
14.) I was told “Lee” you are a man, you do this to yourself, quit complaining you want to be a woman, but quit complains about how people treat us.
15.) I was questioned about my “alterative lifestyle” and what my “plumbing” is.
16.) I’ve been told I cant shower with women who are born women
17.) I’ve been denied sleep due to others verbally abusing me in a so-called safe place for women
18.) I’ve been told or suggested to go to a means shelter
19.) I’ve been lynched in a shower and had my picture taken, attempted to report it, and be told that Its not rape, and the police cant be called
20.) I’ve been kicked in my rib cage, and upper chest area, and groped for not “wakening up in a timely manner” and slammed into a cinderblock wall and made to face via police lineup and denied bathroom access. And only “women who are born women are allowed to use the women’s bathroom:”
21.) I was punched in the face and looked to see if I was ok, and let go, with no provocation by an individual in a BART station in front of a police officer (I was “OK” and no arrest was made)

The point is in America’s most European city and most accepting place, pain hurts progress, people resist change, in society. Historically it has been done and still struggles in areas with racial integration, sexual orientation and even gender, and religion.

For example, Mitt Romney is the equlaivait of JFK the Mormon for the white house, and the fear of Catholics in the 1960s, religious fear and persecution.
It hurts me to look the other way, but picked up various survival skills from GLBT Pioneers such as ray hill, the prison show, and others and various skins of various drinking related time spent.

It amazes me San Francisco being on the front of obscure, the strange and outcasts tolerates in its liberal view tolerance , rather than acceptance, equity and intergartion.Oh they are sick, oh it’s a fucking escusce. Tolleratance and accountability go hand in hand.

Something is morally and ethically wrong when someone is not PRO Jail and Prisoon for violence of hate if there is no injury, hate and prejectace is that and illegal, if you are ok and “bursh it off” or cool it off.

People need to be accountable for their actions, people if they want help need to give something back. While I disagree with The Governator and The Mayor on some issues. They do have some principal’s correct just misguided actions.

They allow individuals who don’t have much else to do, to hide behind California, privacy laws, illegal young and adult criminals to commit crimes, and be allowed sanctuary at tax paper expense.

It Increases our Police, Fire, EMS and hospital expenses with trips to jail, overdoes, arrests, manpower, new hirelings, and acts of violence where you don’t track or document individuals who have long history’s of causieng trouble and breaking the law.

I propose if people want tax-payer subsided help, or assaitcne submit to DNA testing for sexual assaults and open crimes, drug and alach9ol testing, and FBI Backround checks. If you are getting something free, you should give something in rerutn, to many un-saviory individuals abuse the system for illegal pourposes.

So Called libral harm-rediction is librial bullshit garbage, it allows chornic al-acholics, drug addicts, and prosution to opccer, it funds at a time in budget crisit, and is typical san Francisco libral garbage waste. It allows people to drink use and other wise steal and break the law with little to no concqunces.

Lobbism groups allow the same indivudals to time and time again, break the law and have little to nill concqucnes. Brutal disiplaine, and law got me sober, You ever hear the saying “ You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help him or her self”

This Blog Published by:
Lee McInnis Gaetjens
Ind Contractor / Sole Proprietor Media Group
PO Box 425081
San Francisco, CA 94142
(713) 578-0016 (blog) (photos) (Website)
mlgaetjens-yahoo messenger
mlgaetjens2038- aim/aol messenger